Days of Qurantine

COVID-19 A respiratory disease that is creating huge chaos in the world, especially among humans. The virus originated in China. Due to COVID-19, nearly the entire earth is locked down. Every countries economy is going down, mainly in developed nations. The USA has the highest rate of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and in the death rate, Italy tops the list.

It's me Corona!

In India, the first step taken by the govt was Janata curfew, 14 hours of lockdown to contain the spread of the virus. It was announced by our honorable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and also he said by the end of the 14th hour, every citizen of India should give a huge round of applause for all the Corona Warriors, policemen who are working 24/7 to rescue the people who are affected by the COVID-19. pandemic. But we are Indians whatever the situation may be, we actually exaggerate some people came out of their house taking utensils like plates and banged them to create noise, while some had arranged drums and danced to the beats after the lockdown. Our PM had also suggested adopting social distancing as per WHO guidelines, but some people went on a rally by saying the slogan “GO CORONA GO. FUNNY  AH! YEAH !. This portrays that these people know very little about the reasons and their impacts.

Bang Bang Bang !!!
On 23 March 2020 at 20:00 P.M our PM Narendra Modi came on the live telecast and said that from that very next day midnight 00:00 Hours the entire nation will be locked down till 14 APR 2020. Now you may have guessed that how some Indians would have responded. Yes, everyone went crazy. I felt like there is gonna be a zombie apocalypse  Yeah! Dude that was the situation everyone was running towards the supermarket, vegetable stall, and grocery shops. At that time I was returning from my friend’s house on the way back there was a long queue of people. I was like literally what the F**k dude, did anyone advertise “loot mall?”.then, I realized there is no mall in this street I was still in confusion then I got to know that it was a Liquor shop and people had rushed to buy the liquors before the lockdown. OH! That’s how responsible some citizens are. Then I rode towards home. My mother India alias mom was waiting for me with a carrying bag to go shopping. We went to a nearby supermarket I took a trolly my mom was picking all the essential foodstuff and I saw a man then I confirmed it is a zombie apocalypse. You have seen some zombie movies where the zombies run towards a person who isn’t a zombie with strange movements. This person was similar to that he would walk towards each product in that way and he also got that strange voice saying  ‘haaaahaaaaa’ to his wife who was instructing him on the phone. Some people are really strange in their own ways. After purchasing the essential things from the supermarket we returned home.


Woke Up @ 10:00 A.M. got freshen up had breakfast and I was slightly surprised by my father he didn’t utter a word he didn’t question me "WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE UP EARLY". Got back into my room. Is anybody a marvel fan cause there is a dialogue of Captain America saying “SUIT UP “ before going to kill those highly technologically developed aliens. In the same manner, I also needed to get suit up. Took my laptop, charger, speakers, mobile, data cable, hotspot. Now I’m ready to kill time! bro. Started to watch movies the first movie was John Wick that is a cool action movie “why I started with john wick?” cause I downloaded all three movies of the John Wick series. After that gone out for lunch... no actual lunch was served in my room. Then started to watch these youtube videos scrolling Instagram, Facebook and saw all the nonsense Whatsapp status majorly it was filled about these COVID-19 news. Later felt sleepy had good sleep for an hour and a half. Again woke up got freshen went to the living room saw my father he had this look” come to your highness take a sit you were busy all day would you like to have a refreshing drink “ I was like “talking to myself ‘don’t you dare to sit here “ . Then had a few talks with my mom by having a cup of coffee. Again got back to my base camp actually to my room. Started to watch part 2 of the series. In the background, I was downloading series of mission impossible, all the movies of MCU and other movies. Then dinner was served in my room. I was surfing all over my social media accounts from Whatsapp / Facebook / Instagram / Youtube and now I have done with my Day 1 of Quarantine.


But then got fed up or bored. So I started to think about learning new stuff but that didn’t go well then I started to self-analyze what I was before the quarantine. I used to get college which was actually damn boring we used to make fun of some lecturers by imitating them. Going to the canteen during break bullying few guys, get thrown out of class due to no proper notes but actually, I have maintained notes which could be understood only by me it was more like all in one book. 

After college again sat with friends do all those nonsense funny talks get back to home, somedays used to be very bad with the same mood when I come to home I used to yell at my mom for unnecessary reason. But now things got changed sit at home do whatever you want. Guys have you ever thought? that apart from getting bored we are not facing any problem mentally or physically. We are not facing any problems like misunderstanding with our families, friends, in a relationship, I’m not going to talk much about the relationship because I’m single” but I can say few things which I have experienced in my past. Now you do need to meet your girlfriend, she is not getting a chance to quarrel with you for not coming on time, now you have no need to go outing, buying ice creams, buying her favorite chocolates, no movie, no shopping nothing and in either way girls you can enjoy your privacy, have good chat with your friends, no one can question you like "Who is he?" "Why are you talking to him." You know these over-possessive guys. But, also you might face problems IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME !!!! because "I'm SINGLE" and I’m enjoying my quarantine days. 

Let’s not get into these relationship topics, have you guys heard about ARISHADVARGAS ??? According to Hindu religion or Seven Sins according to Christianity. If not let me list for you,

Do you possess any of these?
I hope you don't...
  • KAMA 
  • LOBHA 
  • MADA 
  • MOHA

Let me say how these sins are taking control over the world before this pandemic we destroyed a forest which we call the "lungs of earth" amazon rain forest due to greed we destroyed it, we also destroyed a forest in Australia, we took many innocent lives of wild animals. We were ready for world war 3 due to wrath. All this decade was filled with rape cases, brutal murder, scams, money laundering, pollution. But now you can feel the differences. When compared to all past years. There are no rape cases, there are no murder cases, (I can't say surely but comparatively, it is been reduced) there is no news about destroying nature. Moreover, all the animals are out in the streets without any human fear. When I see these video clips of animals walking in streets I feel like "Who the is hell is playing Jumanji " right now. There is news stating that the ozone layer is healing due to low pollution. One thing I like about this COVID-19 is so far it isn't affecting any animals. But there is information a tiger named Nadia in the New York Bronx zoo was tested positive for COVID-19. Yes, it feels very sad. When comes to humans still some people selling products, groceries, essential things for a higher price. Apart from this people knowingly or unknowingly getting adjusted. In our culture, we have a practice of 21 days. It is also scientifically proven that anything you practice for 21 days whether it is good or bad it becomes a habit of you. I hope what lifestyle we are living what discipline we are following right now let it become a habit of us.



