
Showing posts from 2020

Days of Qurantine

COVID-19 A respiratory disease that is creating huge chaos in the world, especially among humans. The virus originated in China. Due to COVID-19, nearly the entire earth is locked down. Every countries economy is going down, mainly in developed nations. The USA has the highest rate of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and in the death rate, Italy tops the list. It's me Corona! In India, the first step taken by the govt was Janata curfew, 14 hours of lockdown to contain the spread of the virus. It was announced by our honorable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and also he said by the end of the 14th hour, every citizen of India should give a huge round of applause for all the Corona Warriors, policemen who are working 24/7 to rescue the people who are affected by the COVID-19. pandemic. But we are Indians whatever the situation may be, we actually exaggerate some people came out of their house taking utensils like plates and banged them to create noise, while some had a